Your Name (required)
You are the (required) option value="Bride">BrideGroomMother of the brideFather of the brideFriendRelative
Your Email (required)
If you were referred by a wedding planner or 'other', who was it?
Wedding date (required)
Ceremony time
Wedding ceremony location (required)
Your ceremony is... Religious at a churchSymbolicOfficial and legalVow renewal
Total number of people
Which best describes your status on wedding Videograpy? Just looking to get general information on packages and pricing at the moment.Narrowing it down between a few videographer and have some questions for you.Interested in working with you and would like to discuss details.Other?
Hours of videography we would like 135812
Your wedding videography budget is $1000 or less$1000 - $1500$1500 - $2500$2500 - $5000$5000 or more
In choosing a videographer what is the most important thing that you look for?
tell me more about you